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We cannot save these kids without your help

We desperately need funding to support researchers working on actual cures and therapies right now.  Due to the nature of this disease and its potential to unlock cures for many main stream diseases (like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and even Ebola!) there is a lot of interest in curing Niemann Pick Type C.  Because it is a RARE disease there is limited funding for it.

We have lots of ways you can help us and we'd appreciate any help you can offer.

     Prayers, Love & Awareness.

        Talk about our kids with   anyone who will listen! The more conversations we have about the problem the more likely we will find people with ideas about solutions.






Are you a competitor? Like to run, bike, swim or demolish blueberry pies at the county fair?  Lets make it a fundraiser to support NPC!  We would be delighted to set up an online campaign to spotlight your event and give your donors the benefit of a tax deduction.





That's Jennie-

She ran a

marathon to

help us out!







Are you a blogger, a writer, a PR person? Do stories on our Niemann Pick kids!

Publicity leads to funding!















We are an amazon smile charity.  If you shop Amazon, and who doesn't!?... A portion of your purchase will be directed to our non profit.  Please visit the link above and choose Chase the Cure, Inc as your Amazon smile Charity.




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Hints to help a Niemann Pick Family:


Just be there.  Don't call or email and ask what you can do to up with some cleaning supplies or a pizza. 


*Include their healthy children in activities, offer to pick them up. Take them to a movie. Give them a break too.


*Parents of Onset NPC children have zero free time if they don't have full time nursing. Most cannot afford this.  Ask if you can take the car for an oil change or vacuum it!  Think about the things you have to accomplish to run your household. An NPC family has no time to do these things.


*Mow the lawn, weed the flowers.  Ask if you can help repaint a room to cheer them up and break routine. 


*Cry with them or drink with them.  You will know what they need.


*Don't drop them when they can't visit and don't call.  Its not that they don't want to.  It's simply that they may be too emotionally drained at the moment or not even realize the day is gone.

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