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Click for a Note from the Director.

Niemann Pick Type C


This is Chase Owen DiGiovanni, the little guy who made Chase the Cure necessary. 

He retired from his fight with NPC on December 1st, 2016.  We continue to battle in honor and awe of the strength he displayed. 

Chase the Cure remains committed to funding research, so one day

Niemann Pick Type C is not a fatal disease. 

 Covid, politics and inflation has changed a certain level of financial security for many, times have been tough no matter who you are.  NPC patients have had to deal with suspended treatments due to travel and hospital restrictions and family members have had to take on the entire role of caregiver at home without the help of day programs and caregivers from outside the home. We need your help more than ever. Our NPC families, like yours are just trying to get by right now and we appreciate your support more than ever as we struggle to raise research dollars.

Please be as generous as you can. We need your help!


We need your support!

Thank you for visiting Chase the Cure to learn more about Niemann Pick Type C 

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Our Charity is a non profit 501C3. To make a tax-deductible donation to support research and awareness please click the donate buttons on any page. 

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